We are recruiting!

**NOW CLOSED TO APPLICATIONS** Care Coordinator Position Available We are recruiting for a care coordinator to join our friendly patient […]

IT Outage **Now Restored**

8.25am – Please note that the problem has now been fixed and we are back online. We are currently suffering […]

Midwife Services – Self refer your pregnancy to Mid Yorkshire Maternity Services using the link below


Get Active

It’s the perfect time to get active. No matter how much you do, physical activity is good for your body […]

Flu Jabs 2023

We are now taking booking for flu jabs, please call our reception team to book your appointment. Please note we […]

Mental Health Awareness Week

This Mental Health Awareness Week, Every Mind Matters is launching a newcampaign to encourage people to make the first move […]

Mindful Mondays – Starting 15th May 2023

Patient Survey – March 2023

We are carrying out a patient survey to gather feedback about our services. If you would like to provide us […]

What is carers week?

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the […]

Carers Week – 6th-12th June 2022

What is carers week? Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers […]